Truth Be Told..

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Why Can't We All Just Get Along!

This has got to be the most asked question and one I myself have asked so many times I do not even dare count! It was actually only within this past year did I get an answer to that question and wow! it was NOT was I was expecting to hear at all! Let me share my experience..

So, I was on some emotional rollercoaster about some event that was taking place in our world.(thats when these answers come!) anyway.."Why cant we all just get along!" came out of my mouth (nothing new there..) but this time was different because I immediately thought in my head: "can right and wrong ever get along; be friends?" - well, noo they can't. How can this ever happen unless one side compromises, I thought. It did not take me long to see the point that God was making and that the answer to this question is simple :). We can never "all get along" in this current system; to do so would call us to become "tolerant"(remember hearing that word a lot over the past 4 years??? I do..) anyway, it would call for us to become tolerant to sin and stuff and this is in direct contrast to what God tells us to do! - simple, eh?! Which leads me to my next topic..tolerance. What does God have to say about that? Is it what we really want to achieve? Are there any times when we ought to be tolerant? Lets take a look :)

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits. and the other thing we could also consider is our understanding of the Old Testament; we know by hearing God warn His people over and over not be do the same thing the people of the nations do..not to take up their traditions..not to "compromise"..yes? I would list them here but there are a lot of times He warned them all you have to do is read your Bibles a bit :).


So, I am reading the above to my husband and he says.."ohh yeah, DEI..Diversity, Equality and Inclusion"! LOL..I look at him and..huh? dei? what? slow down loll!" He says it all again a bit slower..and well,yep...this is what the world is screaming for right now! Lets take a quick peek under this hood and see if we can see the intent; after all, isn't there a time WHEN we should BE tolerant, all the diversity, equality and inclusion should take us to the point of tolerant, right?

So Diversity, Equality and Inclusion are used pretty much interchangeably. The root of it all is the same: accept everything. Be tolerant of everything. Change your mind. We know this because we have watched the live example of it for many years now. With the screams of "sexual identity" (just to hit on the most famous one) coming from the world. Does this sound right to you? Does this sound like something our Lord would be helping us achieve? It sure doesn't to me! I am sure I really do not have to go very deep into how wrong this Ideaology is because we have been living topside and should be able to agree that this is being pushed onto the peoples - and shoved down the throats of Gods children. Hmm - not so innocent looking now..

Listen, please, to reason: Satan knows that we humans are very much emotional and social beings and a lot of us do not deal with loneliness well. He uses this hook to get you to no longer see the evil act that you are supporting and use your own nature against you. How? We(Gods children) want to scream "This is not they way!/ Jesus is the way" but, yet we hear from the world - "we are our own gods - my way or the highway!" we hear "God loves everyone! (and so should you)" and.."thou shalt not judge!" All true statements; however once again you can see satan is still at it as they are all taken out of context). Anyway, regardless of the attack - we are in a position where we are wrestling heart against mind (also see my article on Battles ). This is all by design! How do we answer this? By remembering we are wearing the armor and utilizing it. This is where I tend to go south a bit because it is hard sometimes to do that!

I have noticed something about our Ephesians 6:10 verse. It tells us to put on this armor and what..what are we to do when we put it on? Are we to start slicing with the Sword? or maybe a little head-butting with the helmet? I bet we can go really fast with the shoes of speed on! It tells us to "STAND" and to "STAND FIRM". Folks, this is a spiritual battle. Make no mistake - our enemy is wise and has been around for a very long time! Do not think for one minute that without God you can take on this beast! He (God) wants you to do what you CAN do..firmly stand in your belief no matter the cost! Be ready for when He puts words into your mouth to use. Do not let fear..and I do mean fear of ANY kind (afraid of losing your job, your home, your family..whtever it is!) keep you from making your STAND, and for pete's sake, remember that our Lord is your King! That this battle is between the heavenly realms and not between you and satan! I have made that mistake many times! Got too big for my britches and decided I could do battle all by myself. I mean, I do know right from wrong..and I am pretty solid in heart, right?! ( not think that, that is the enemy beating you before you even got the armor on!) no..brothers and sisters, without our Lord - we are done. These entities in this battle are so much above our pay grade it is not even funny. However; IF you put on the armor and remember our Lord is going to battle for us - all we have to do is firmly stand for the ways of God! The more adventagous brothers and sisters can maybe throw a few verses at him along the way, but the thing to take away from this is? When the world uses Gods word in a manipulated have a choice to make. Right now. Are you going to STAND? or are you going to BOW. Your choice!

And, this is where I have to digress a bit because while the world is awesome at trying to use Gods words against His children, what they are failing to understand is that our Father makes it very clear who His children are. His children are the ones who obey Him, who Love Him, and who worship Him. They are the ones that have accepted Jesus into their hearts and seek to follow His example. The people OF THE world are not His. Yes, He created them. And yes, they can still go to Him. Until they do; they are the people of this world! The people of the world refuse to acknowledge His INTOLERANCE and DISDAIN toward such ideaologies. "Thou shalt not judge" is a true statement the people of this world like to hurl at you. However, there is a BIG difference between "judging" and "warning" (which is what we are told by God to do). What does a judge do? They look at the charges and if you are found guilty - they give you a penalty. God already layed the judgement. He tells us about darn near every action we take what the penalty will be if we continue with that act. Cheat on your wife? Tell a lie? Take something that isnt yours? replace the nuclear family with like genders? drink yourself stupid? All of these things come with a penalty and we have all been told what they for it...the JUDGE!). These things that are so displeasing to God are the exact things we, as His children are suppose to be working on breaking free from - not becoming more comfortable and tolerant of them! So do not let the people of this world make you think for one minute you are in the wrong when you warn them! I hold the churches especially guilty in helping satan normalize such filthy ideaologies.

It really is not so surprising when we understand the church was the first thing satan infiltrated. When we understand that, the "masquerade as an angel of light" becomes clear; it is the pastors, elders, those who are considered to be a trusting or a voice of authority when it comes to our spiritual teaching{for lack of a better explanation}. Don't get me wrong here and think that I am calling EVERY pastor a devil incarnate! I am not. What I am saying is the church pastors are just as succeptible to attacks (more so, I think) as we are. Did you know that every church is tax exempt? Understand that our churches have always been tax exempt with very little regualtion regarding that. However, if we take a look now; we find there is a clause: in layman terms? If you do not promote the current ideaology, churches can lose this tax exemption! You can start your search into that by starting here . This is just ONE motivation churches have to teach the world ideaology, there are really quite a few! But what I want you to know is this infiltration is rooted way back to the days of Babylon and a ton of the teachings we associate with Christianity are being practiced today as if they were Biblical Law. This is why we need to have a personal relationship with our Lord and with our Father. Do I think these pastors are knowingly misleading the flock? No. Not all of them. Most of them are passing on these false and misleading teachings without even knowing because this is what they were taught! They were taught this by their ancestors who were taught this by their ancestors. It is not something they woke up on sunday morning and thought.."okay, how do i mislead the flock today..." lol (at least I hope not) but we are told the road to hell is paved with good intentions; and this is the living example of that! They do not know any better because they have not looked into it themselves ( and there lies the source of the problem.."trust no man" (Galatians 5:17, Jeremiah 17:5). Satan uses the lazy minded brothers and sisters..jus' sayin! You can tell these churches pretty easily these days; these are the churches that have allowed the ideaology to force their way into the congregation (knowing or unknowingly) and then turned around and told YOU..the congregation, the BODY of Christ that YOU must accept this, that you must become tolerant! Do you see the depth of this sin against God yet? Good, because it gets worse - these churches not only allowed these horrific ideaologies into the church, but they are becoming the foundation of their teachings! It is with this understanding and the words "Get out of her (Babylon) My people!" really collide in a clear and transparent way!

Ultimately, the intent of satan infiltrating the church is not about money. Money is the bait for mankind (pastors or otherwise) - what our enemy is after is worth more than gold! It is the very soul that God gave us! Satan has plans. He wants to form a one world religion. Constantine was a very good example of this. We know what he did, right? How he decided the best way to expand the church was to include aspects of the pagans belief system.To become accepting of their ways, to try to make them feel comfortable and included. He went on to incorporate the pagan holidays into the church and worked on giving them more of a christian theme to them. This is easy history to search so I wont post much more about him here, maybe in another article latet! So, why do you think the world is screaming that their god is the same as our God; just under a different name? Why do you think it is so important to blind the pastors and allow fellowship with the ungodly? Do you think that Jesus would tell us to disregard all that we know of God and His ways..and embrace your worldly sister/brother? Are we to hate them? No. We are to love them as one of Gods creation. That does NOT mean accept them into the church, give them the stage and hand the flock over to them! These are not our brothers/sisters! These are seeds from a different father! Satan is banking on the laziness of mankind in order to get his one world religion in place. You can already see it amongst the religious hierachy; we hear "we must be accepting of all religions" and "when we understand that we are all worshipping the same god just under different names - then there will be peace" Ohhhh I sure hope you are starting to see the falseness here, the abomination - it is just shameful!

There has to be a time when diversity is a good thing; and there is. Diversity is a good thing when we understand that we all were created by God. Male, Female. Black, white, or any other shade/color - we are all the same in the eyes of our Creator. We are brothers and sisters. But right now, as sad as it is - we will never be able to "just get along" with the peoples of this world - and we shouldn't. We were called to be different. We were called to be "holy" (set apart). We were told that friendship with the world is animosity with God. I say sad because it is a hard thing to battle with when the "people of the world" include your loved one. He does not take favor to anyone based on gender or color and neither should we. If we keep diversity where it belongs - attached to TRUTH, then it is a good thing. When God brings His Kingdom down - that is when it all becomes a good thing. Until then? Search your heart daily. Do not jump on a band wagon just because it sounds good. God says that all will be revealed. Wait until it is revealed before supporting it. Anyway, as far as the worlds understanding of this word? I will file in my "not sogood" box.

Wrapping up

Satan has always twisted the words of God. And through the current worlds take on things, I can see he is still playing the same game. The biggest one right now is he likes to use "we are all Gods children" that is not true. We are all His creation but we are not all His children. He makes this very clear as does His Son, Jesus. They will make claims such as "you are the seed of your father" (something for you to research :). Diversity, Inclusion and Equality among brothers and sisters is the part the world wants you to forget about. We are to love everyone as one of Gods creation. Love has many different levels. Anyways, thats just my take on things :). We are a diverse family, made up of brothers and sisters from all backgrounds and cultures. When the world is screaming these is screaming for us to stop seeing the atrocities, the mental illnesses, the demonic natures, the sick and vile acts ...and embrace them as our own. That is not something I will do and I hope you wont either. :)